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MRHFM Community Involvement

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The law firm of Maune Raichle Hartley French & Mudd, LLC is dedicated to supporting and serving our clients, employees and our local and national communities. We find it very important to give back to the people that we represent day in and day out and we are proud to support a wide variety of organizations throughout the St. Louis, MO area and the nation including Pedal the Cause, Wounded Warrior Project, The University of Chicago Medical Center Mesothelioma Program, Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation and more.

Wounded Warrior Project

Corey Hendricks, one of the investigators on the Bankruptcy dept. at the firm recently created a team to enter the Tough Mudder Obstacle course in Montgomery City, MO. All of the proceeds will go to the Wounded Warrior Project. If you are willing to contribute anything it would be much appreciated. Click on the website below to find out how to contribute. The name of their team is called “for those past and present”.  Your generosity will help the men and women returning home from combat with overcoming their wounds.

MRHFM donates $5,000 to Tough Mudder team to benefit Wounded Warrior Project

MRHFM’s dedication to helping others doesn’t stop with mesothelioma victims. The mesothelioma law firm is also dedicated to helping our nation’s veterans overcome the challenges of civilian life after deployment. On October 11, 2014, one of MRHFM’s own will step up to the plate to show support and raise money for those who have served and their families. The firm has donated $5,000 to Hendrick’s team, all proceeds of which go back to Wounded Warrior Project, an organization dedicated to honoring and empowering wounded veterans.

Click Here to Read the Full Story

About the Wounded Warrior Project

Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) is a veterans service organization that offers a variety of programs, service and events for wounded veterans of the military actions following the events of 9/11/2001. It operates as a nonprofit 501(C)(3) organization with a mission to "honor and empower Wounded Warriors" of the United States Armed Forces, as well as provide services and programs for the family members of its registered "alumni," as its registered veterans are called.

WWP's vision is to "foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation's history," as it works to raise awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women, to help severely injured service members aid and assist each other and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs.

Pedal the Cause

We are joining the fight against cancer by participating in our fifth-annual Pedal the Cause bike challenge. Pedal the Cause has the mission to provide funding for cancer research at Siteman Cancer Center and St. Louis Children's Hospital through their annual cycling challenge in hopes that the research funded by their event will ultimately lead to a cure for cancer.

We are riding in memory and honor of our Ride for a Child Partner Sam Biggs who lost his life much too early to cancer.

The University of Chicago Medical Center Mesothelioma Program

On September 26th, 2013, in honor of National Mesothelioma Awareness Day, donations made by MRHFM employees were 100% matched by the firm. MRHFM gave the donation to The Mesothelioma Program at The University of Chicago Medical Center headed by Dr. Hedy Lee Kindler. Dr. Kindler is a top cancer researcher and leading investigator for malignant mesothelioma treatments. Her personal connection with mesothelioma and deep understanding of the patients that the cancer affects, many being exposed on the job including veterans, gives Dr. Kindler the drive to find a cure and providing patients the best care and treatment options available.

Click here to learn more about National Mesothelioma Awareness Day and MRHFM's efforts surrounding this day.

MRHFM Client Appreciation Days

The law firm of MRHFM hosted its first annual client appreciation day in March 2014, where individuals, their family and the firm’s staff came together to share, understand and learn more about the victims of mesothelioma. The stories shared brought inspiration and encouragement to everyone in attendance.

Over 60 people including MRHFM attorneys, staff, clients and their families were in attendance at MRHFM’s client appreciation day. People wore white ribbons in remembrance of those that have been lost to asbestos related diseases. The presentation included videos, pictures and testimonials from clients and their families about their experiences battling mesothelioma and the legal process involved. Several attorneys also spoke about their clients and the impact their work has on their daily lives.

Click here to learn more about the MRHFM Client Appreciation Days.

To learn more about how we support the mesothelioma community, contact us with any questions you might have.